Race: Full-Djinn Electra-Djerroldina (other names not used) Djinnmagister is the eldest child of the Emperor Djerrold Vulcan V and the fugitive Empress Tarragonia-Marietta. Electra was married to an alien Prince to cement a political alliance. At the time of the union, the Prince Viz-Igerd of Volnoth was a younger brother, and not expected to become King, so the couple's probable infertility was not considered important. Since Viz-Igerd is a reclusive King, who insists on his physical appearance being traditional (and alarming), he relies on Electra to carry out all the ambassadorial responsibilities involving physical appearances on other worlds. To protect herself, Electra is always accompanied by two saber toothed tigers as bodyguards, and she wears a special chastity belt.
MATING NET was a finalist in the PEARL AWARDS 2006