Tarrant-Arragon Race: Great Djinn Full name: Tarrant-Arragon Djustin Djohn Alexander Thor Djinnmagister Thoroughly at home in a world as dangerous and as full of intrigue and treachery as any European Renaissance-era Court, The Crown Prince Tarrant-Arragon thrives on enigma and equivocation. “You talk like a lawyer. Your promises are full of loopholes,” his adored Consort accuses him, not knowing at the time that she is talking to the highest legal authority in the Tigron Empire. Tarrant-Arragon’s Machiavellian mantra is “By stealth if possible, by force if absolutely necessary.” Just as a medieval teenaged prince might lead armies to far-off Crusades, Tarrant-Arragon has enjoyed full control of the thirteen Imperial star forces since his mid-teens, which has made him the most powerful ruler in The Communicating Worlds in fact, if not in name. FORCED MATE is his love story. It’s what happens when Tarrant-Arragon decides that his longstanding quest for a Mate has become a matter of Imperial urgency. His high handed interference in other family members’ sex lives complicates –and simplifies—courtships in INSUFFICIENT MATING MATERIAL.
FORCED MATE was a double finalist in the PEARL Awards 2005