A battle for her heart…
“She’s a fighting Saurian Knight.” He put a slight emphasis on “fighting” and smiled self-deprecatingly. “Getting her into bed is more work than turning a Gravity-class war-star.”
“Are you telling me that she fought you? You?”
“My Imperial Machismo forbids me to confirm or deny something so damaging to my reputation,” Tarrant-Arragon replied with a mocking twist of his lips. “I will admit, she doesn’t know what she’s up against. I’m conducting an experiment to see whether I can get a virtuous girl to love me—not the next Emperor, but me—for my sweet nature and sense of humor.”
His half-sheathed-weapon smile became a sudden chuckle.
“My fierce little Saurian would probably try to castrate me if she knew who I am. She cheerfully toasts my impotence.”
Madam Tarra knew the toast to which he referred. “How very provocative of you to choose one of the Saurian Dragon’s Knights for your carnal experiments,” she replied.
“I didn’t take her because she’s a Knight.” He threw back his head, half closed his eyes, and tapped his upper lip with two fingers. No doubt the wicked boy was deciding how much of the truth to tell her. “Ah... I think I’ve fallen in love.”
Love Scene
"Tigger, it might be romantic to . . ." She
closed her eyes in shyness. "Perhaps, we could bathe each oth--"
clothed, not even breaking stride to kick off his high boots, he plunged
into the murk-bath with her.
His Mightiness (caution)
Djinni felt the odds, at four to one, were heavily
against her, but improving. Two things were in her favour. First, her
kidnappers were so over-confident they were likely to be careless.
Second, in their carnival mood it wouldn't occur to them that
a female could be a force to be reckoned with. |