Judith Laik
The Beau Monde chapter of RWA is the prime resource a writer should know about, in my opinion. Everything you need is available through membership in the chapter. Even if you aren’t a member, you can gain a lot of knowledge by visiting their website: http://www.thebeaumonde.com/. (Information about joining is also on the site.)
--► On the Published Authors page, you’ll find links to the websites of the Beau Monde chapter’s published authors--many of the leading lights in Regency-set Historicals. A majority of their sites have Regency-specific articles, links, and other information on their sites. I particularly recommend Candice Hern’s site, with its photos of authentic Regency artifacts in her personal collection. Other notable sites are those of Allison Lane; Kalen Hughes (photos of Regency undergarments); Emily Hendrickson; Myretta Robens; Julia Ross (horse facts). Don’t miss Margaret Evans Porter’s exquisite photos of her early English roses! Check out all the authors’ sites for additional information.
--► On the Writer’s Resources page, there are links to:
● The Regency Realm, which lists over 900 references on Regency England, including books, magazines, videos, and websites which contain information on many subjects of interest to writers and readers of Regency era fiction. It is updated every year with additional sources, and free to Beau Monde members, but available for sale to non-members.
● A page with links to a number of resources and websites devoted to the Regency, including http://del.icio.us/TheBeaumonde/, which has links to websites or books on a number of topics
● The Regency Academe, which offers classes two or three times a year on some aspect of Regency life. The classes are available to non-members at a higher cost.
--► And, for members only, there are additional resources on the website.
But the greatest resource in the Beau Monde is its members. Among them are experts in almost every aspect of Regency life. And, they are generous in sharing their knowledge. Belonging to the Beau Monde puts you on the e-list, where you can ask any question under the sun. In addition, being on the Beaumonde list gives you access to the archive containing all the messages since the list began. Often, somebody has already asked the question you are wondering about, and the answer will be in thearchives.
Here are some additional resources you may find useful:
I don’t include a list of books, because you’ll find them in the other resources I’ve listed, but Emily Hendrickson’s Regency Reference Book deserves a special mention. It has a huge amount of information packed into not all that many pages. Contact her at regencygal@hotmail.com, or use this link: http://www.emilyhendrickson.com/referencebook.html. “Dee” has made this book available on a CD.
Sources for original material:
Gutenberg Project http://www.promo.net/pg/
A number of books published during or before the Regency are on Gutenberg.
Another resource is Google Books, which has contains old and obscure books, a large percentage of which are full text and free to download. http://www.books.google.com/
You can also check E-Bay, which often has contemporary or shortly thereafter books--and other items--for sale.
Still more sources:
Anne Woodley’s website, with a huge amount of Regency resources. Will also link you to the Regency Webring, with 8 pages of website listings devoted to aspects of the Regency
Online discussion lists:
Regency loop is a closed loop. You must receive permission to join, and priority is given to authors published in Regency-set fiction. RWA and Beau Monde memberships are not a prerequisite. Contact: regencyloop-owner@yahoogroups.com
The Writing Regency loop is for anyone with an interest in writing books set in the period. RWA and Beau Monde membership not required.
To subscribe: WritingRegency-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
A list for those interested in the Georgian and Regency periods; not all are writers.
Sue Chen operates a subscription service that offers reprints of contemporary materials, fashion plates, journals and the like. You can contact her at:
suchen@mindspring.com. Some information is available free on her website: http://www.regencylibrary.com/toc.htm
Have fun with your research!
Judith ~ http://www.judithlaik.com
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